My Daily schedule

During the quarantine and being home with the kids full-time my schedule has been all out of sorts. Normally I would be up by 6:30am but lately its been more like 8:30. The other day I was all frazzled and wondering why I wasn’t able to complete all my task , Duh I was missing 2 hours of my regular schedule. I wanted to share my updated schedule and maybe this could help another mom or women in business or a women who wants to get ish done.

6:30- Wake up brush my teeth, shower get ready, Drink water, Sage

7:00- Start essential oil diffuser, Gratitude Journaling, Palo santo

7:30- Stretch, yoga, or Afrifitness, Drink water

8:00- Mekhi wakes up brush his teeth, He has fruites or yogurt or apple sauce to start. I have a warm Lemon water small glass

8:30- Check emails, catch up on the news, Twitter

9:00- Coffee, Instagram stories, water

9:30- Morning Detox smoothie, check my to do list

10:00- Aneeka wakes up change, feed her breakfast

10:30- Make breakfast/brunch for the kids

11:00- work on client or collabortations

12:00- Lunch (Salad or Leftovers) listen to podcasts

1:00-  Activities with the kids

2:00- Afternoon snack for kids, Back to work on client work

3:00- Aneeka’s Nap time, clean up Lunch mess

4:00- Prep supper+Cleaning

5:00-  Relax+ Share on insta

6:00- If its Monday and Wednesday Mekhi has soccer Thursday – Saturday Senai has dance

7:00-9:00- Bath+Storytime BED


Hope my daily schedule helps someone else to build one. Keep in mind it takes 21 days to form a habit so don’t beat yourself up. This Is basically my daily schedule but life happens things change through out the course of the day but as my grade 8 math teacher Mr. Foster use to say “If you fail to plan the you plan to fail”